How To Tell If You Have a Substance Abuse Problem


Most people who have a problem with alcohol abuse or alcoholism don’t realize that they do. In fact, research suggests that only 4 percent of the Americans who have drug or alcohol addiction will admit to it. There are some simple ways to determine whether you should seek additional help for substance abuse. Continue reading

Find the Right Treament Center


Searching for an addiction treatment facility can be frustrating. You finally decide to get recovery, probably after some serious wrestling with the thought. Now you have to wade through information. You have to search through websites like this one. We know it can feel like you are wasting time. It’s not though. It is an important step, finding the right fit for your recovery. Continue reading

Cocaine Addiction Study


A recent study has shown that cocaine addiction and abuse can dull the brain’s sensitivity to rewards. This means that the individual will no longer feel as much pleasure from things in life that make most people happy. This research was conducted at the United States Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory. The participants included eighteen adults who were cocaine addicts along with a control group of eighteen adults who were not addicts. Similar studies have been performed in the past and discovered the same results of cocaine addicts’ brains not reacting to rewards as strongly as a healthy brain would. Continue reading

Adult Children of Alcoholics


Adult children of alcoholics have usually had very difficult lives. These are people who grew up in homes with parents who suffered from alcoholism. Or, perhaps the parent wasn’t even around and it was a grandparent or aunt. Either way, these individuals have many emotional and psychological issues to deal with. Continue reading

More Addiction Patients Seeking Drug Abuse Help


A new study shows that more of the people in rehab facilities are getting help for drug abuse than in the past. The percentage of patients who received treatment for alcohol abuse declined in 2006, while the ratio of patients seeking drug treatment rose. Continue reading

Benefits of Specialized Heroin Rehab


When it comes to fighting an addiction on heroin, trying to do it on your own is never recommended. Even if you have a friend who is willing to try to kick the habit at the same time, it is all too easy to fall back into bad habits when you are not at a specialized heroin rehab facility. Although you may have incredible willpower, this drug is a very serious one that is psychologically addicting. This means that no matter how hard you try on your own, you may not be successful in kicking the habit. Continue reading

Meth Rehab Works


One of the most insidious drugs that is currently available is crystal meth. Most people start off innocently enough, either using the drug at parties or as a way to get extra energy and lose weight. They may not realize how addicting this drug can be and before long, they are caught up in a spiral that is out of control. If you know someone that is using crystal meth, it is a good idea to get in contact with a meth rehab center as quickly as possible. Continue reading

Women Drink for Different Reasons


We are learning more and more that alcoholism affects women quite differently than it does men. Physically, women feel the effects of alcohol faster and with more intensity than men do, pound for pound, due to certain hormones in the blood. Women tend to use different things to motivate them to quit drinking than men do, specifically be reinventing themselves and seeking out new passions in life. According to the book Women Under the Influence, which is based on research by The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, women also begin the path to alcoholism for different reasons. Continue reading

Treatment IS Important


We are not interested in selling you false hope. This is a treatment center where addiction and drug abuse are treated seriously and addressed as the serious problems they are. Beyond treatment comes the recovery. After those two then comes the final stage of rehabilitation. This is a much more important aspect of who we are as a substance abuse center. Continue reading