Treatment IS Important


We are not interested in selling you false hope. This is a treatment center where addiction and drug abuse are treated seriously and addressed as the serious problems they are. Beyond treatment comes the recovery. After those two then comes the final stage of rehabilitation. This is a much more important aspect of who we are as a substance abuse center.

Treatment is important, we certainly aren’t here to downplay any aspect of recovery, only to prioritize them. The treatment matters, this is the methodology used to get you to stop using drugs. While it varies from facility to facility, we pride ourselves on using all the techniques. Knowing that some techniques will suit client A while others will suit client B is what keeps us flexible in handling all of our clients with care.

The draw back of sever substance abuse treatment programs is that it only address the treatment. As the treatment begins to show success the natural result is recovery. The recovery stage is when portions of the old you begin to show through the cloud of drug abuse. Instead of taking these initial glimmers as a final solution we make sure all of the addicts under our care achieve a full clearing of their mind and body so they can continue to progress, instead of backsliding to drug use.

Once the addict has reached a clear headed competent level, we then work with them on rehabilitation. This is where we change the aspects of who they were mentally and emotionally. This way the parts of there personality that led them to addiction are no longer strong, or even present at all.

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