Transitional living situations can help someone with drug addiction or alcoholism to progressively reenter a normal lifestyle one step at a time after they leave a residential rehab facility. There is a big difference between being constantly monitored in rehab and returning home where you are basically on your own to avoid drugs and alcohol.
Many people find that they need some form of help to bridge that gap. They are ready to move on past a residential addiction treatment facility, but they might be unsure of whether they can handle having complete freedom without relapsing. This is where transitional living can be of assistance. They usually offer benefits like counseling and support groups and do not permit any use of drugs or alcohol. The other rules vary from location to location. The amount of time that people spend in transitional living after leaving a treatment facility varies.A halfway house is most like a residential rehab center. Individuals are able to resume some of the most important activities of daily life, like having a job. However, they have to follow a set of rules designed to help them maintain addiction treatment. Halfway houses have trained counselors on staff to monitor residents.
The next closest thing to being on your own is a 3/4-way house. It is still a structured environment with rules that must be followed, like treatment centers and halfway houses. However, there is more freedom and responsibility for the residents. They have resources and help readily available if they need it, but they aren’t as closely monitored for drugs and alcohol.
Finally, a sober living house gives addicts almost complete freedom. There are usually still rules about drug and alcohol use and attending a meeting once a week. The benefit is that residents are still living in a supportive environment with other individuals who know what they’re going through.